Monday, October 3, 2011

Sometimes New Has It's Downsides

So as of today (Sunday) when I write this, I still haven't moved into my new apartment and probably won't for a few more days.  I noticed during our walkthrough on Friday that the bathroom sink was leaking a bit when the faucet was used into the drawer beneath the sink and the owner promised to get someone out to fix that.

However, being in desperate need of clean clothes I hauled a bunch of dirty clothes from my hotel to the new apartment on Saturday and decided at least I could get a few loads of laundry done.  I started up the first load, and thinking of the leaking faucet decided to stick around for a bit to make sure the washer didn't leak too.

The washing machine sounded a bit odd to me, but I have never dealt with any of these small combo units, so I didn't pay much attention.  And after going about 15 minutes with no leaks or signs of anything odd (other than the noise) I decided to go to the grocery store and start stocking my new kitchen.

When I got back 30 minutes later I found that unfortunately, I left WAY too soon.  As I opened the front door I saw a puddle of water extending from under the bathroom door almost all the way across the hall.  I dropped my groceries on the counter, opened the bathroom door and found the whole bathroom floor flooded in water.  I managed to pause the wash cycle, and the figure out to the drain the machine.  I was extremely lucky that the plummer or someone had left a heavy red towel in the drawer below the sink, and that one of the things I had just bought was a roll of paper towels.  Unfortunately, one of the things I had forgotten to do was add the owner's cell phone to my new blackberry's contacts list.

So I put up my groceries quickly (There wasn't much.  When you have to carry your groceries by hand and it's a 10-15 minute walk from the store to your apartment I find I am just making a lot of small trips) and spent the next hour or so mopping up water with that towel, wringing it out in the tub, repeat, repeat.  And then using paper towels to try and at least dry off all of the wood flooring as much as possible.

I then went to my hotel, dug up the owners phone number and tried to call him.  Unfortunately his phone was off so I sent him an email and today he was there with plumbers to make sure things got fixed.  Apparently when the washer was installed the guys doing that work forgot to take out the braces that help keep it stable during shipping and these caused the leak.

Supposedly everything is fixed now.  And just to be safe I asked him to check the dishwasher, shower, etc. and they are all supposed to be good as well.  Given that my co-worker Kasia was nice enough to take myself and another co-worker (Krys) who had also just moved to Poznan to Ikea this morning, I think I actually have enough stuff to live in the apartment now (it did not come with plates, glasses, pans, towels, sheets, blankets, etc).

 I'll go by tomorrow after work and if I manage to do some laundry successfully, I'll give notice at my hotel and finally get away from living in a hotel.  Sorry there are no pictures.  I was way too busy trying to clean up the mess and didn't think of taking any pictures.

And unrelated to this story at all, Big Thanks to Kasia again today for playing cheuffer with her husband's A6 wagon to myself and Krys and hauling us out to Ikea and all of the stuff we bought (which was a LOT).  It was MUCH appreciated.

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