Monday, March 5, 2012

A few pictures from Saturday's wander.... (7 pictures)

So the weather this Saturday was fairly nice.  The high was around 9C (~48F), it was sunny, and like a lot of other people I saw around Poznań I decided to go for a long walk (and explore more the city in my case).  I knew there was supposed to be a gym and a large park to the south of my apartment, in the Wilda district, so I headed that direction.

For once I am actually going to list street names so that if you want to pull up a Google map, you can sort of follow along.  And here's a very high-level overview as well.

To see the pictures and more info, click the link.

First I headed east on the main street south of my apartment complex (Królowej Jadwigi) to Park Drwęskich, which is a small park that I can see from my office building, but which I have never been to for some reason.  I then headed up Rózana to Górna Wilda and then headed east to go look at the gym.  The gym proved to be not very interesting (a bit old) but still close enough to where I live that if I decide to start going to a gym again, it might be worth considering.

From there I headed south again on my way to the large park I had seen on Google Maps (Park Jana Pawła II).  But before I got to the park, I came across a circus that was just starting to get set up (Cyrk Korona).  They hadn't gotten much done, but I did manage to take a few pictures of the lions.

From there I continued on to the park and wandered around there for a while.  It's quite huge and only wandered through about a quarter of it, but that still took about an hour (what with watching the roller-bladers, ducks, bike riders, etc).  I grabbed a few pictures at the park, but I wouldn't say they are terribly interesting given the winter barrenness.  I suspect it will look great when summer arrives and I'm looking forward to riding my bike there.

From the park I headed back west into the Wilda area and eventually started heading north along Wierzbięcice street.  Along the way to Królowej Jadwigi I took a few more quick pictures.

This sight of a very old building right next to a very new building, like this, is becoming more common.

There are a number of open-air markets like this around Poznań as well.  There are lots of vegetables and flowers, and other goods as well.
I didn't take any more pictures from here on in because I walked through parts of the city I have already visited.  Up Franciszka Ratajczaka to Święty Marcin.  Right (east) on Święty Marcin to Półwiejska where I wandered around C&A (a clothing store) for a bit.  I then headed south on Półwiejska to the Stary Browar mall where I did my grocery shopping and headed home.

All in all, with my slow pace and occasional wandering into different shops I was out walking around for about 4.5 hours Saturday.  And needless to say, today my feet are quite sore.  :)

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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