Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Thor has left the building.....

So Spring has arrived in Poznań, and apparently Thor is a regular visitor.  In the last few weeks there have been regular rainstorms in some evenings that featured a fair amount of thunder and lightening.  But tonight, there was quite the expo.  As an evening storm moved through around 9pm or so; there was a large amount of wind, a large amount of LOUD thunder, and so much lightening that I don't think a single minute went buy without at least one flash.  And a whole lot of minutes when there was seemingly a bit of lightening once every few seconds or so.

It was so impressive that I even noticed a number of my neighbors in the building across the way stepping out on their balcony and giving the spectacle a look.  It was quite impressive.  Then, after about an hour and half, it had moved on through and things returned to calmness.

Living in Poznań in the Spring is starting to remind me of living in Denver in the summer.  Hot, humid, with frequent afternoon/evening storms that pass through like a freight train.  :)

Enjoy your weekend!

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