Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My daily trip to work

One of the people I know back in the US asked what it was like living without a car, and how far I had to travel to work.  That conversation triggered a memory of another co-worker who during a past "day in the life" presentation during a group meeting showed a presentation of their daily trip to work.  So I figured I'd do the same.  Click the "Read More.." link below to see the rest of the pictures.

First step is head out the door of my apartment.  There is an elevator on the other side of the pillar on the right, but usually I duck through the door you see on the right.

Into a utility hall to reach the stairs.

Down the stairs.

Out the front door of my building.

Through the courtyard of the complex and through the building in front of you.

Out to the street, where I turn left.

Past the church.

Up this street.  I'm heading for the 2nd big building you can see over the brick building in front.

That's Stary Browar mall on the right.  But it's up this slight hill (fun when iced) to the second building on the left.

In the front door of the office portion of the building.

To the escalator, and up to the 16th floor.

To my desk, where I spend many many hours slaving away for my employer.  =)

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