Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Visit to Frankfurt - Part 2: Skyline (10 pictures)

I was very lucky and was given a nice and large office to use while I was in Frankfurt.  It was on the 26th floor so I had some pretty nice views out the windows.

The office I was loaned.  VERY nice!  :)

The rest of this post will just give you some nice pictures of the Frankfurt skyline.  One thing you will definite notice is that there is a lot of construction going on.

As always, you can click on an image to see a larger size.

This is the Deka building where FTI has their offices.

This building is across the street from the ECB building.  Locals call it the "Pagoda Building"

This was the view out of my office window, looking east and south I think.

This was the view more east and north.

Another view from the 26th floor of the Pagoda building, the ring park, and I think that was the Deutsch Bank building behind them.

This is the view to south of the Deka tower from the 26th floor.  The locals say this round building looks like the glasses Apfelwein (apple wine) are served in.

This is the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhoff (main rail station).  It's actually even bigger than it looks in this image.

One of the views from lookout platform of the Gallerie building on the Zeil.

I don't know what these 2 towers under construction are going to be, but they are visible from almost everywhere.

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