Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Visit to Frankfurt - Part 4: Cemetery 1 (6 images)

Strangely enough, one of the most enjoyable places I visited in Frankfurt was the Hauptfriedhof (main cemetery I think).  I don't think it's still the main cemetery, but it's very old, is practically a forest inside, was nice and cool and quiet and a hot day, and contained a lot of beautiful art work.  It was a really interesting place and I probably spent 2 hours wandering around.

I know some people may think it's weird to enjoy visiting a cemetery, but I've never thought of them as bad places.  Generally, I see cemeteries as symbols of love and respect that just can't let go.  More for the living than for the remembrance of those passed.

This is the first of two posts with pictures from the cemetery.  If you go to Frankfurt, I actually recommend giving it a visit.  It's really a tremendous place and my pictures don't do it justice.  I'm going to stick with just pictures for this post as well.  Enjoy!

As always, you can click an image to see a larger version.


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